Landscaping along Michigan Avenue, Chicago

During the 2015 IGC trade show, held August 18-20 at Navy Pier in Chicago, Sunbelt staff had the opportunity to admire the many beautiful planters scattered along Michigan Avenue. Much of the plant material shown here was produced by Sunbelt's sister company, Wenke Greenhouses, located in Kalamazoo, MI. Enjoy!

Sunbelt among "The Big 10" growers for 2015

In its April issue, Greenhouse Management magazine ( named Sunbelt Greenhouses among "The Big 10" growers for 2015. 

Taking chances isn’t easy. Putting your faith into something new, whether it be entering an emerging market, growing unique varieties, investing in automated equipment or sticking with an environmentally friendly method (even if it costs more) can leave room for error, for losses or even failure. But our Big 10 growers have taken the lead anyway in hopes of bettering their operations and serving thier customers the best they can. And these Big 10 have done so by [putting] their employees and customers first, who in turn have supported them through the good and bad times.
— Greenhouse Management | April 2015

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